Saturday, Sept. 22

The Battle for Affordable Housing

Building Member to Member Networks through Mapping

Defending our Communities from Climate Crises and Pollution

Effective Recruitment & Messaging:  Spreading the Union Gospel - One Member at a Time

Having Tough Conversations to Advance Racial Justice - Part I

How to Engage Our Co-Workers about the "P" word: the Growing Movement for Social Justice

A Just Migration System: What Would It Look Like and Can We Achieve It?

Mobilizing to Win:  Bargaining & Campaigning for Common Good Proposals

Organizing New Workers in an Era of Open Shop: Facilitated Discussion by Labor, Racial Justice, and International Activist Bill Fletcher

Sunday, Sept. 23

Defending Public Health & Quality Patient Care

Digital Organizing:  How to use Facebook to keep Membership Engaged

Effective Recruitment & Messaging:  Spreading the Union Gospel - One Member at a Time

Fighting for Healthcare Justice

Having Tough Conversations to Advance Racial Justice - Part II

How to Fight Back Against the Attack on Public Services

Momentum Training:  Discussion with activist/author Paul Engler about How We Change the Political Weather

Running for Public Office:  Leadership Development

Turning Workplace Grievances into Campaigns